Asking questions

Asking questions, accepting & rejecting answers

Last updated: 28 October 2022

Questioning vs Querying

Viko supports two types of query - question answering and searching. This document relates to question answering. Read more about question answering vs searching


  1. Ask question
  2. Accept/reject answer
  3. Forward question

The examples in this document use the stubbed endpoint. Remember to switch over to the real endpoint !

Ask question

Ask a question e.g. “how much is next day shipping?“. Viko will try to generate a direct answer.

Filters can be applied to restrict the document sources (context)


POST{tenancy}/question/ (note: trailing slash)

Request headers

Content-Type application/json (required)
X-Api-Key (required)

Request body

  text: string (required)
  filter: {
    folders: Array<string> (required)
  } (optional)

Note: The context used to answer a question is a union of all those documents matching a filter. Put another way - we apply an implicit OR clause to filters i.e. documents within any of the specified folders.


Viko will return the question along with a generated answer (if possible).

Note: Viko will always return a JSON document. You should check the answer and context fields to understand if Viko was able to answer the question.

Viko may return:

  1. Answer & context
  2. Answer without context
  3. Just the context

Viko may also return a link to a document (the link field)

The response will include an id field. This identifier acts as a correlation id, allowing you to subsequently mark the answer as accepted, or forward it to an agent for handling.

Status: 201 (Created)

Response body

  id: string (required) // generated correlation id. Required for accept/reject/forward calls
  question: string (required) // echoed back
  answer: string (optional) // generated answer
  context: string (optional) // additional context (text) around the answer
  link: string (optional)
  confidence: float (required) // 0 to 1


$ curl \
  --header 'X-Api-Key: replaceme' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --request POST '' \
  --data-raw '{
      "text": "how much is next day shipping?",
      "filter": {
          "folders": [
  "id": "1",
  "question": "how much is next day shipping?",
  "answer": "$4.95",
  "context": "next day shipping is available for $4.95",
  "link": "",
  "confidence": 0.85

Accept/reject answer

Telling Viko whether the user accepts the answer helps improve accuracy.


PATCH{tenancy}/answer/{id} (note: no trailing slash)

Request headers

Content-Type application/json (required)
X-Api-Key (required)

Request body

  accepted: boolean (required)


Status: 200 (Ok)

Response body

  question: string (required) // original question
  answer: string (optional) // generated answer
  accepted: boolean (required)


$ curl \
  --header 'X-Api-Key: replaceme' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --request PATCH '' \
  --data-raw '{
    "accepted": true
  "question": "how much is next day shipping?",
  "answer": "$4.95",
  "accepted": true

Forward question

Forward the question to an agent. Note: this will implicitly mark the associated answer as rejected.


POST{tenancy}/forward/{id} (note: no trailing slash)

Request headers

Content-Type application/json (required)
X-Api-Key (required)

Request body

  reply_to: email (required) // Who should the agent reply to


Status 201 (Created)

Response body

  question: string (required) // original question
  reply_to: email (required)


$ curl \
  --header 'X-Api-Key: replaceme' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --request POST '' \
  --data-raw '{
    "reply_to": ""
  "question": "how much is next day shipping?",
  "reply_to": ""

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