NLP Full-Text Search

With Elasticsearch & spaCy

Last updated: 22 November 2021
NLP Full-Text Search

Natural language processing, in particular natural language understanding, allows us to fully understand the intent behind search queries. This lets us offer far more targeted search results along with a much improved user experience. In this tutorial I’ll show you how to compliment Elasticsearch with Named Entity Recognition (NER). We’ll use spaCy, a simple yet powerful NLP framework.


  1. Python POC
  2. The problem
  3. Getting started
  4. Improvements
  5. Introducing spaCy
  6. Identifying more entities
  7. Summary

Python POC

To make things easy to follow, I’ve created a Python POC which demonstrates how to use spaCy and Elasticsearch together. There are 4 branches of the code, representing different stages of development. Now’s the time to clone the repo and view the branches:

$ git clone
$ cd nlp-search-poc
$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

We’ll start out with a simple Elasticsearch implementation without NLP. This will allow me to illustrate the problem we’re trying to solve. Next we’ll try to improve on this by improving the Elasticsearch query, without resorting to NLP. We’ll then add spaCy’s NER and see how it solves the issue. Finally, we’ll build on this to make it even more powerful.

The problem

Firstly let’s understand why we need NLU. To understand NLP/NLP, and it’s application for search, let’s look at a simple search query:

‘A lightweight jacket’

As humans, we immediately understand that the shopper is looking for a jacket, ideally something lightweight. ‘jacket’ is a noun and ‘lightweight’ is an adjective that qualifies the word ‘jacket’. Elasticsearch doesn’t understand nouns and adjectives. To a full text search engine these are just terms or tokens. Why is this a problem?

Let me give you a (slightly contrived) scenario. You are developing the catalog search feature for an outdoor clothing and equipment store. The store sells a wide range of lightweight jackets, waterproof/windproof jackets. The store also sells a ‘packable mosquito net’. Imagine a shopper searches for a ‘packable jacket’. It’s obvious they are looking for a jacket but what will Elasticsearch find when searching against the title/description fields?

If there is ‘packable jacket’ in the catalog it will find it. But what if you only have a lightweight jacket? Elasticsearch will have a partial match against two documents: the ‘lightweight jacket’ and ’packable mosquito net’. The underlying TF-IDF algorithm favors fields containing less frequently used terms, which in this case is likely to be packable. So it will pick the mosquito net.

TF-IDF often performs poorly for long tail searches

Search filters

Let’s look at another query:

‘lightweight jacket less than $300’

Again it’s immediately obvious what the user is looking for. However, Elasticsearch will not work here, at least not without some regex preprocessing. We usually work around these issues by offering search filters. In this case the user would typically:

  1. Search for ‘lightweight jacket’
  2. Filter by jackets only
  3. Filter by max price $300

It works, but it’s not an ideal experience. This is especially true for users on mobile devices who need to mess around with dropdowns/accordions and other paraphernalia. It would be much better if we could fully understand the initial request and already apply the relevant filters. Fortunately this is all possible with natural language understanding

Getting started

Hopefully you’ve already cloned the POC, If not go ahead and do this. Now switch to the 1.0-es-basic branch:

$ git checkout 1.0-es-basic 
Branch '1.0-es-basic' set up to track remote branch '1.0-es-basic' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch '1.0-es-basic'

Follow the instructions in the README (make sure you’re viewing the 1.0-es-branch)


No time (or inclination) to read the README. Follow these steps:

$ git checkout 1.0-es-basic
# Setup a virtual env
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.9.7 nlp-search
$ pyenv virtualenv local nlp-search
$ pip install -U pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run elasticsearch in Docker
$ docker-compose up -d elasticsearch-7
$ python -m ping
Elasticsearch alive: True
# Ingest the test data
$ python -m create
$ python -m ingest
# Run the uvicorn server
$ bin/

It’s a good idea to take a look at the test data data/products.json at this point.

Take a look at src/ It’s very basic - the full text search simply searches against the title field using a match query:

es_query = {
    'match': {
        'title': query

Having imported the test data try querying for 'packable jacket' using the provided client:

$ python -m src.client 'packable jacket'
  "results": [
      "title": "packable mosquito net",
      "product_type": "mosquito net",
      "price": 10.0,
      "attrs": [

As expected, it returns the mosquito net not the jacket.

Improving the query

This setup is absolutely trivial. Let’s try making the query a bit more granular. Instead of just searching against the title field, we’ll search against the product_type and attrs fields:

es_query = {
    'bool': {
        'must': {
            'match': {
                'product_type': query
        'should': {
            'match': {
                'attrs': query

Kill the running server and rerun it using the code in the 1.5-es-improved branch:

# Kill the server using ctrl-C
$ git checkout 1.5-es-improved
Branch '1.5-es-improved' set up to track remote branch '1.5-es-improved' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch '1.5-es-improved'
$ bin/
uvicorn.error  INFO  Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)  

I updated the README in this branch, so feel free to read the more detailed instructions there.

Query again:

$ python -m src.client 'packable jacket'
  "results": [
      "title": "lightweight black jacket",
      "product_type": "jacket",
      "price": 100.0,
      "attrs": [

It works!

Don’t get too excited though. Replace the existing test data with the new data in the 1.5-es-improved branch:

$ git status
On branch 1.5-es-improved
$ python -m reset
productRepository  INFO  Ingesting packable travel bag

Query again …

$ python -m src.client 'packable jacket'
  "results": [
      "title": "packable travel bag",
      "product_type": "packable bag",
      "price": 20.0,
      "attrs": [

The underlying problem

This scenario illustrates the fundamental challenge associated with elasticsearch and other full text search engines. We use the database structure to infer intent, instead of fully understanding the query itself. In this case we assumed that the product_type field is more important than attrs, so attached more weight to it. We could have applied boosting and other tricks to achieve the same result. It worked until we added a document with ‘packable’ in its product_type field.

Without NLP/NLU, we really only have two tools at our disposal:

  1. Improve the search results by attaching more weight to certain fields in the document
  2. Augment text search with structured search filters

Ideally we want to really understand what the shopper is asking for. That’s where Natural Language Processing comes into its own.

Introducing NLP using spaCy

Check out the 2.0-ner-basic branch:

# Kill server with ctrl-c
$ git checkout 2.0-ner-basic
Branch '2.0-ner-basic' set up to track remote branch '2.0-ner-basic' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch '2.0-ner-basic'

Again, I’ve updated the README for this branch so please take a look


No time (or inclination) to read the README. Follow these steps:

# install the new spaCy dependency
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# start the server again
$ bin/

This branch introduces a new class NerPredictor in src/ This is a really basic implementation of Named Entity Recognition (NER) using a very basic NLP model. Don’t be fooled into thinking this model is suitable for production use, it’s not! However, it does illustrate the concept well. Named Entity Recognition is able to identify products and product attributes in a search query, turning full text search into structured search:

# src/
es_query = {
    'bool': {
        'must': {
            'match': {
                'title': product
        'should': {
            'match': {
                'attrs': attrs

Notice how we can now explicitly query for the desired product along with the product attributes.

Let’s try the same query again:

$ python -m src.client 'packable jacket'
  "ner_prediction": {
    "text": "packable jacket",
    "product": "jacket",
    "attrs": [
  "results": [
      "title": "lightweight black jacket",
      "product_type": "jacket",
      "price": 100.0,
      "attrs": [

The search response also includes spaCy’s NER prediction. It’s useful to check this to understand how the terms will be fed to the Elasticsearch query. Now that we understand the user is seeking a jacket we can ensure the search results are actually jackets.

Why not use regex matching?

At this point you be thinking this is just hype. Why not simply use regex to identify jackets or ‘lightweight’? For this trivial example we could indeed search for ‘jacket’ in the query text and assume it’s the product. We could do the same for commonly used attributes. We may even go a step further and just assume that the last word in the phrase is the product and the words before it are adjectives.

This is not a real world solution. We’d likely have tens or hundreds of thousands products to include and the list of adjectives is almost infinite. We can’t even assume the last word is the product - how would we distinguish between a ‘mosquito net’ and ‘fishing net’.

NLP, like all artificial intelligence is able to generalise. We train a model with plenty of examples and let it decide what is a product vs an attribute. It’s statistical in nature, and it’s not perfect. However, unlike rule based solutions, the code complexity remains constant, no matter how many scenarios we need to handle.

Identifying other entities

The previous example uses NER to identify products and product attributes. Let’s extend this to also identify colors and prices. Check out the 2.5-ner-improved branch and import the new data which includes color and price fields:

# kill server with ctrl-c
$ git checkout 2.5-ner-improved
Branch '2.5-ner-improved' set up to track remote branch '2.5-ner-improved' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch '2.5-ner-improved'
# Ingest the new data with colors and prices
$ python -m reset
productRepository INFO Ingesting burgundy organic cotton jacket
$ bin/

This is a bit more complex so let’s break it down.

The nlp model has been trained with colors and prices. We’ve also introduced a new NER entity PRICE alongside PRODUCT and ATTRIBUTE. The Elasticsearch query has been updated to query across the title, attrs, color and price fields.

Try querying for a specific color jacket within a price range:

$ python -m src.client 'black waterproof jacket less than $200'
  "results": [
      "title": "waterproof black jacket",
      "product_type": "jacket",
      "price": 150.0,
      "colors": [
      "attrs": [

For a production implementation we would use the NER prediction not only to feed the elasticsearch query but also to pre-select relevant search filters. In our case we might apply a category filter of jacket, color of black and price_to of $200. Of course, we would extend it to also identify the gender if specified in the query e.g. ‘mens waterproof jacket’.

Why no color attribute?

You may wonder why we introduced a new PRICE attribute but no COLOR. There are a couple of reasons for this.

In a real world e-commerce application, a color filter would be restricted to a small finite set or colors. Full text search allows the user to type anything. Being statistical, the NER model may identify colours that are not in the search filter. It may identify colors that didn’t even appear in the NLP training data.

NLP is not 100% accurate. Good models are pretty accurate, but we can’t guarantee that the model will only identify colors as such. The model could decide that ‘sustainable’ is a color. Searching for a product in color ‘sustainable’ will not result in any matches. However, searching for a product with a generic attribute of ‘maroon’ or ‘champagne’ would work.

So, from an NLP/NER perspective, we treat colors like all other generic attributes. We then use rules to identify known colors that match our search filters. This gives us the best of both worlds. Search filters work as expected, but we still support long tail searches for wacky colors.

As a bonus, this also improves the overall accuracy of the model. Unlike most NLP applications, we have a limited amount of context available to us in the search query. Trying to identify too many attributes that are grammatically similar will reduce the overall model performance.

Learned knowledge

Remember how I said that NLU/NLP is able to generalise. Try searching for a cotton jacket:

$ python -m src.client 'cotton jacket'

Take a look at the NER prediction:

  "ner_prediction": {
    "text": "cotton jacket",
    "product": "jacket",
    "attrs": [

The NLP model has never seen the word cotton before, yet it’s able to correctly identify it as a product attribute. That’s the power of NLP at work.


Elasticsearch is a great tool, but full text search only gets us so far. For long tail searches, TF-IDF can actually work against us, selecting results that aren’t relevant. Natural Language Understanding allows us to really understand what the user is asking for. Given a search phrase, we can identify specific product types, prices colours and much more. Like all forms of artificial intelligence, NLP is able to generalise. A good NLP model can identify new products, colors and other attributes without any code changes.

We just scratched the surface here, but hopefully you have a taste of NLP and how it compliments full-text search. To learn more about NLP I highly recommend the spaCy docs. Why not try building your own NER model and pipeline? For more complex queries you’ll want to take things a step further by implementing Part of Speech tagging and Dependency Parsing. This allows us to understand the relationship between words and is a nice compliment to named entity recognition.

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